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So what's it all about? 

Retail is in my blood! And having been a boutique owner, and an online store owner, I know how to buy clothes. The difference though is, I know how to buy clothes for customers, not just for myself. I see clothes, and I know exactly who they're going to suit. I can tell why they are, or are not, a good buy.

Style Solutions is a yearly membership with three pieces of content every month.


On the 9th of every month, is the HIGH STREET EDIT, where we trawl through the shops, and the online sites of some of the major chains and pick out the best items of what's out there. Where possible we will check the fit, so we can give sizing advice.

We will present this to you in categories, so that when you are on the look out for a new top/dress/blazer you won't have to go searching or waste hours scrolling, we'll have done the work for you. All the items will be hyperlinked across to the relevant website page, so that you can easily shop if you see something you like. We will also have all the pricing and size availability listed on our site so you'll know before you click across if you are interested or not. 

Think of it like this! I own a shop, and my suppliers are the high street shops! So, just like when I go buying stock for my shop, I visit my suppliers and make my selection of what I want to carry for my customers. I'm basically doing what I've been doing all my life. And I know how to do it really well. 


On the 19th of every month is the DEEP DIVE into a particular topic. This could be styling tips on a certain item, like "how to wear wide leg jeans". Or it could be a piece on charity shop shopping. We might finally get to the bottom of the best pair of jeans! Every month we'll do something new.

We have made loads of plans for this section, but are always open to suggestions to as to what you'd like our help and advice on. so please feel free to make suggestions for the monthly Deep Dive.

I'm really looking forward to this part of Style Solutions. There's no point having a wardrobe full of clothes if you don't know how to wear them. I really feel this is where we'll uncover lots of fashions' mysteries and make both shopping and styling simple!


  And on the 29th of every month is the BOUTIQUE SPOTLIGHT  when we will be visiting one of Ireland's best boutiques or designers. These small businesses are the life blood of our communities and deserve the spotlight! Behind every small business is a person with a dream, filled with passion and drive. And I want to introduce you to some of the best.

I've been an entrepreneur since I opened my first shop in 2001 at the age of 26. I've had many a pivot since, and I'm not finished yet. There's plenty more I want to do in the next decade, and I find other people's stories so inspiring. 

Come with us as we take you behind the scenes, hear the news and try on a selection of the stock in these amazing businesses. Some will be well known to most of you, but we'll also introduce you to some hidden gems.

So sign up below, and trust that with our help, you'll make really good purchases this year. No more impulse buying, minimise the need for returns, save yourself time. Basically, make shopping simple!


Sign Up Here and Make Shopping Simple