About Me
I’ve had the pleasure of working in fashion retail since 1996 and opened my first business in 2001—a tiny hat shop called Mad Hatter in Dublin. Women would come to me, often out of their comfort zones, to find the perfect hat to match their outfits. Despite their claims that "hats don't suit me," it was my job to help them discover a hat that looked amazing on them and to give them the confidence to pull it off.
In 2010, I expanded my passion for retail by taking over a fashion boutique called Vanity Fair in Newbridge. My dream was realised: I could now dress my customers from head to toe. 
I quickly learned that a lack of confidence wasn't limited to headwear. Many customers were also uncertain about clothing, unsure of what suited them, and often feeling like they'd lost their mojo. Their negative self-talk about their bodies was disheartening to say the least. Teaching women to accept their bodies regardless of their size or shape became my driving passion.


Vanity Fair was a high end destination boutique, attracting women from all over the country searching for the perfect outfit for special occasions. It was a magical place, and I was privileged to meet so many amazing customers over the years. Unfortunately, in August 2020, the global pandemic forced me to close my beloved boutique, and it felt like my heart would break.

With the support and encouragement of my loyal customers on Instagram, I picked myself up and started an online business selling casual clothing at more affordable prices. The Try On Shop was born, and I quickly realised that everyday clothes presented as much of a struggle as special occasion attire.

As the world opened up again, I began doing pop-up shops with Amy, one of the wonderful women who had worked with me at Vanity Fair. I also started offering personal shopping trips and wardrobe makeover sessions.

Despite my extensive retail experience, this was a huge learning curve. I realized that most women had wardrobes full of clothes yet still felt they "had nothing to wear." The biggest revelation was that many women could glam up and feel great for an occasion with the right dress, hair, and makeup. The real struggle was feeling well-dressed but comfortable in everyday clothes.

For me, clothes are magic. They have the power to change your mood, outlook, and day. I want to share this passion with as many women as possible so they feel amazing every day because, let's face it, we are pretty amazing!

However, I understand that the cost of a personal shopping trip or wardrobe styling session can be prohibitive for many. That's why I created Style Solutions in January 2024—an affordable way to solve shopping struggles for every woman. I believe this is the job I was born to do, with all my experience leading me to this point. Amy and I would love to see you join us on this adventure.

Contact Me with any questions you may have about becoming a Style Solutions Member 

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